Women’s Health Products
Mastectomy Services
More and More women are opting for a mastectomy, upwards of a 30% increase since 2005 to 2013. We provide a full line of post-mastectomy products, such as compression bras and prosthetic devices. We cater to women after any type of breast surgery, including radical mastectomy or reconstruction. Give us a call to discuss products available. We have an intimate setting with an all female staff ready to help you determine the most attractive size and shape to contour your new look!
Compression Therapy
If your doctor has recommended compression therapy for Lymphedema, please call. We can help you with custom products to reduce the extra fluid build up and any damage it may be causing, from mild pain and swelling to severe disfiguration.
Simply Baby Maternity Services
We carry the Advanced Double Electric Breast Pumps, designed for moms who need to pump several times a day that features technology proven to produce more milk in less time.
* Due to the newly enacted Affordable Care Act (ACA), your insurance company may now be required to cover breast your pump.
Other Products available:
- Baby Scales – track your baby’s development with our infant to toddler scale.
- Symphony Breast Pumps (Hospital Grade) – Medela’s latest innovation in hospital-grade breast pumps.
Do you have back pain?
Ask us about our maternity line of back supports!